Saturday, May 11, 2019

SOTA Presentation

Here is a link to the slides the presentation on Summits On The Air (SOTA) that was given to the San Diego ARES team on 5/11/2019 in San Diego, CA.  Thanks to the other SOTA operators that contributed to this presentation, KE6MT, K6ARK, and other SOTA operators that helped me.

Enjoy & 73,
Christian Claborne
(aka Chris Claborne)

Saturday, May 4, 2019

2019-05-04 Monserate Mountain and my first CW chase

Today I headed up to Monserate Mountain (W6/CT-235 - Monserate Mountain) to do a little hiking and play radio.  It’s been several weeks since I’ve been able to get out and I haven’t been riding my bike so it felt good to hit the trail.  I was originally planning on a hike in the same area to W6/SC-445.  I did 445 last year and remembered it to be a real thigh burner as well as having a couple of spots where the weeds were so thick across the road it was a real bear... I did a search after sleeping in this morning and found Monserate very close to that one.  It has been activated quite a few times and has a published trail so I figured it would be a better choice given my current fitness.